Zipping Right Along

zipperhead zip zip zip
shaking shake dog
dripping drop drip drip drip
fun fun summer sun
and I come undone
in the shadows
shaking in the shade
cool breeze blowing
and the heat doesn’t seem so hot
and the heat doesn’t seem so hot
flying Frisbees fill the air
kites gliding like cherubs
ocean echoes waves
collapse and relapse
into the blue abyss
lemon aide lemon lemon lime
sipping sip sips
of time
ticking tick tocks
speeding clocks
and the moon has replaced the sun
the shade and shadows now become one
underneath mother midnight
deep down dark void
stippling starlight’s twinkling
in time
ticking tick tocks
and the moon has replaced the sun
and I wonder where my life has gone
right or wrong
right where I belong
in the arms of confusion
wrapped in the comfort of chaos
that we call love
zipping away
zippidy do da zippidy day
shaking shake dog shake
shivering shadows I awake
asI wake up next to you
and smile
zippidy do da zippidy day
yes it’s going to be a wonderful day

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