The 30 Ways I Am Going To Kill You

Kill v. [to deprive of life] – Syn. Slay, slaughter, murder, EXECUTE!
Massacre, butcher, garrote, hang, ELECTROCUTE!
Dispatch, knife, sacrifice, strangle, shoot, IMMOLATE!
Stifle, poison, choke, smother, lynch, SUFFOCATE!
Behead, hack, drown, dismember, ASSASSINATE!
Crucify, destroy and DECAPITATE!
Yeah bitch! I had to buy a thesaurus
to say what all I am going to do to you
No one can do what you did and get by with it
hope you still have my heart, because you are going to die with it
Bury you 6 feet under, just you so you can lie with it
as I go back to my night shift shit job at 7-11
Thinking of the 30 ways I have to kill you

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