Here I am no different now than I was then but the shadow of disappointment has been lifted and I see pride upon your face I warmly smile in confusionContinue readingComing Home Again
Philosophical Acidic Shit
your words are acidic every syllable slipping between your malicious lips burning blisters in my mind and you think you know just what you’re talking about but your philosphy isContinue readingPhilosophical Acidic Shit
Blind Man Blues
blind man broken in the wind been down the road that doesn’t begin walking a path that has no end singing sad songs soaked in sin searching for that oneContinue readingBlind Man Blues
up down up slivers of silver sparkling like glitter shining mirroring reflections like sunlight bouncing off water clouds dancing through their sky on their way to becoming rain spring timeContinue readingManifestations
Corporate monopoly Empire and evil Powered by capitalism Lobbyist protected Congressional hypocrites All fueled by the smell of money For the people By the people Or is it BUY theContinue readingBureaucracy
The Sound of Loneliness
Have you ever heard loneliness? The deep echo of emptiness A sound that sings continuous Throughout my head Broken heart Solitude Silence Leave me for dead Leave me for dead
The Stranger
as I wait in solitude lonely walking down all the avenues of emptiness the streets littered with happy lovers each wearing tormenting smiles all facing at me
What Bugs Think
What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with the way I am? I deserve to live! We all do! How would you like it… if you were a bug, and IContinue readingWhat Bugs Think
A Teacher In Hell
Lying down, helpless she cries Begging, pleading, wanting to die Screaming, SHOUTING! waiting for the end She will never teach kindergarten again
Anti-tech Says Unkle – Version 22.nov.20
With tech-styles growing wildin a bio-electric soupThe virtual malls with firewallslook for bit coins on the looselost in circuit board mazeswhere data flows like waterfallsinformation forms, fades in phaseson multi-nodesContinue readingAnti-tech Says Unkle – Version 22.nov.20