where did that SoCal good feeling go? summer sun shinning 12 months long Sublime echoing on my radio spending Christmas on the beach those 91x shows ya know tickets justContinue readingThat SoCal Good Feeling
No Father of Mine
I remember dad left mom with the shirt on her back and the shoes on her feet she had to work two jobs just so we could eat he neverContinue readingNo Father of Mine
The Very Thought of You
how can the very thought of you still bring tears to my eyes today I always thought you were the one but now you’re a million miles away it neverContinue readingThe Very Thought of You
The Understanding of Things
the hardest thing for me to understand is the fact I will never understand all things see I have this thirst for knowledge not like that of the normal scholarContinue readingThe Understanding of Things
Nothing Lasts Forever
Silver slivers of lime light shine from the moonbeams and stars both intertwined I feel I fell from hell by devil & devine my soul lost and lonely and shallContinue readingNothing Lasts Forever
When I Lived & Loved
I found a picture today taken about this time last year and I look at you holding me me holding you and we are smiling like we are the luckiestContinue readingWhen I Lived & Loved
Where She Sleeps
She sleeps outside in the yard She keeps herself cold & hard She keeps herself heartless & homeless Though she seems soft She is now soulless She sleeps under theContinue readingWhere She Sleeps
Just Like Me
White room, dark square Clean table, I’m there Anti-septic, full cybernetic Net dance, and I take my chance To progress, from this mess My mess, and I miss The kiss,Continue readingJust Like Me
There’s An Elf On My Shelf
There is an elf on my shelf who watches me from across the hall he stands like a soldier both proud and 2 feet tall with hand painted pants andContinue readingThere’s An Elf On My Shelf
Sharing the Same Dream
If only I could find All the words to describe Just how special you are Just how much you changed me life If only I could show you The newContinue readingSharing the Same Dream